Cubie: the little front-end companion
As Front-end Developers we’ve seen our working environment changing completely in the last years. There are a lot of developer tools out there. Every week we hear about some newer and better tools. It takes a lot of time to choose among all that exists and to integrate it in our process. So, once done, we want to be able to reuse and upgrade it easily.
That’s what I’ve done with Cubie, the little Front-end companion.
Cubie is an HTML5 starter kit that includes: package and task management, a local server with browser synchronization, beautiful auto-generated documentation, styles pre-processor, files minification and images optimization.
Trying Cubie is easy.
Use the CLI:
git clone https://github.com/wearecube/frontend-cubie.git
Or download and unzip the package.
Then, you just have to install the dependencies:
cd frontend-cubie/ [sudo] npm install bower install
And launch Cubie with gulp
. That’s it, you’re in!
More information can be found on the dedicated website or the Github repository.
A nice working environment
Some tools included in the package:
Let me know what you think about it! And do not hesitate to report any issue you encounter.